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The Bruker AVANCE III 500 NMR spectrometer was supported by UW20201, UW Core Revitalization program2, and Bender fund3.
1A UW2020 award “Acquisition of State-of-the-Art Solid-State NMR Instrumentation Enabling Characterization of Nanoparticles, Catalysts, Other Novel Materials, and Biochemical Systems”, PI Ive Hermans, enabled the addition of solid state NMR capabilities to this spectrometer in 2017.
2A UW Core Revitalization award “Upgrade for Workhorse 500 MHz NMR for Catalysis and Materials Research”, PIs Ive Hermans and C. G. Fry, in July 2020 provided funds for the new magnet now in use on this spectrometer.
3A generous gift from Paul J. and Margaret M. Bender enabled the purchase of the base components of this spectrometer in 2012.